Sunday, December 29, 2013

Origin of Miyuki

Miyuki was one of the last characters loosely based off someone I know. Her outfit was also designed by the person with her somewhat limited artistic abilities. Much like the woman she's based on, Miyuki's eye color changes with her mood. Whereupon being angry/upset it will go from the normal icy blue to a steel/gray coloration. Being the only elven character in the group, she causes Ryu some discomfort seeing as she bears somewhat of a similar appearance to both Sacreia and her mother Aneia.

The character Kai is infatuated with her much to her dismay. She is the oldest character in the group being over 200. During her enslavement by Wyrmlord Atreloch, her mind has been twisted to the point that those with dragon blood within them bear an irresistible allure to her. Which causes her to fall for Ryu, going so far as to offer herself to him only to be rejected. Why it is she doesn't fall for Kai who also possesses dragon blood would most likely have to do with him having the inferior blood in comparison to Ryu.

Miyuki is the cliche elven archer, however she is also a priest. What does this remind you of?
That's exactly where I got the idea for her bow from. Miyuki comes off as a rather guarded and level headed woman otherwise. Although not every character is perfect, and has little issues that aren't mentioned until the end of the book where each of them is... Well, I won't spoil that. But let's just say their most guarded secrets about themselves is exposed before something happens to them. Miyuki doesn't really represent anything yet, or rather haven't assigned anything to her yet.

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