Monday, December 23, 2013

Origin of Yoli

Yoli's origin is a bit of an amusing one. Considering I had originally never had her in the book as it is. Granted there was always a female lead, but somewhere down the line I made her. "Yoli Kohlpaka" was the name of my FFXI NPC. Her personality in the game was aloof, naive, yet adorable at the same time. This played a major part in her personality in the book.  Yoli was influenced by an ex of mine way back when, which is the reason why she has two sisters. The youngest sister "Jade" is also the same name of that ex's younger sister. Even parts of her personality were originally present within the character, but have since been removed. As with the main cast(I forgot to mention this), she represents three primary emotions. Love, Compassion and Joy.  Yoli was meant to be killed at one point, however lots of people liked her and she grew on me a lot.

So she stayed and became an integral part of the books. She is meant to be the cutest character personality  and appearance wise.  Even being the main source of fan service with how many times you see her naked, she still holds the title of cutest character. Fali would probably fall in after her, or maybe Ammy in terms of cuteness.

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