Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sacreia's Origin

I'm doing these by order of who appears. Sacreia is the second of the main cast to be introduced, and her origin is probably the longest. The original concept of the character was not my own, but someone who was meant to roleplay with me many many years ago. Back then, I would roleplay the plot of my book and other people could tag along with their own characters. This person created Sacret. Sacret was Sacreia's original name, the character was of dragon blood and was meant to betray Ryu at some point. She had no appearance, no background or anything.

We never got to roleplay, but I kept the concept for a long while. I even used Sacret in the book, her father was always the red dragon in chapter 6/7. When I started playing World of Warcraft, I had started as Horde, but wanted to play Alliance. I wanted to make a character, but did not know from which of the book cast to use as a base(I do this with every game. I always use my character's names). I had chosen a Night Elf female warrior, and decided that she'd be based off of Sacret. However, I did not like the name, so I thought of another one. This is where Sacreia was born.

While leveling her, I started picking several different songs that I could use for her(Every character has a theme, or lots) and the songs from the anime Elfen Lied stuck with her. So began a spiral into madness as I developed her background and pouring more and more of myself into her. She is an amalgam of my negativity, she encompasses rage and despair. She is by far, the one character almost everyone can relate to. Her appearance has gone through many changes over the years as did her background. For a character almost 2 years old(2 since her creation), I have changed the entire plot line of the series just for her addition. Her chapter is by far the longest one in the book, and the other characters have not more than a few paragraphs describing their background(Yoli's being second longest). In the document itself, Sacreia's chapter is a whopping 66 pages.(My normal chapter page count is 20).

Sacreia's hatred and murderous ways towards humanity is a reflection of my misanthropy to a degree. Her appearance is also a reflection of what had scared me in my teenage years about asian women from having watched so many horror movies(Like the Ring, Ju-on etc). Elfen Lied's Kaede/Lucy also played a part in her appearance and inspired some of the events in the chapter. Sacreia is the second most important character in the series, and has an important role at the very end. For if when you learn the connection she has with a certain character; you will learn just what role she has to play.

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